Application for membership (english form)

We are pleased that you would like to become a member of our society. With this you support our important work.
Please fill the form below.
The membership begins on January 1st of each year (also backdated). It ends on the December 31st, if you let us know by October 31st. Otherwise it ill be continued for another year.

Membership fee (digital magazines)

You will receive our magazines digital. If you want to have a printed copy, you have to pay a higher fee and additional postage outside Germany. If you want to receive our printed magazines, please use the checkbox below.

Membership fee (printed magazines)



DGHT bank account:
Owner: DGHT e.V.
Bank: Volksbank im Wesertal eG
IBAN: DE 94 2546 2680 0042 457 900
account no.: 351 473 1003
BLZ: 850 900 00
Please make sure you clearly indicate your name on the transfer form!

Ich habe das Merkblatt zum Datenschutz der DGHT gelesen und akzeptiere sie.* Here you will find the our privacy policy. (German only)

You have to see the “Thank You” page after sending the form. Otherwise your application has not been submitted correctly.